Opening hours during holidays and festive seasons may differ from regular opening hours. If there are deviations in opening hours, this information will be provided here.
Do you need to get in touch with your campus Housing Office?
Opening hours during holidays and festive seasons may differ from regular opening hours. If there are deviations in opening hours, this information will be provided here.
If an emergency occurs during working hours, please contact your Housing Office.
For emergencies outside of working hours that require immediate attention (broken pipes, fire (call the fire department!), power outage, lost keys, etc.), get in touch with the security company affiliated with your campus.
Tromsø - AVARN: 975 30 006
Alta - AVARN: 45 26 40 33
Harstad - AVARN: 480 36 658
Narvik - AVARN: 466 37 245
Hammerfest - AVARN: 452 64 033
Svalbard: Read at Svalbard's site
Updated 04.12.2024
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