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Students for Justice in Palestine - Tromsø

Students Advocacy group to raise awareness of the Palestinian struggle for justice and basic rights and create political, academic and cultural pressure in solidarity with Palestine.


Contact information:

Students for Justice in Palestine - Tromsø (SJP) is a diverse group of students at University of Tromsø - Norway Artic University, organized on democratic principles to promote justice, human rights, liberation, and self-determination for the Palestinian people. As an advocacy group, SJP believes that key principles grounded in international law, human rights, and basic standards of justice, dictate concrete steps that will be fundamental for a fair and lasting resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

SJP strives to bring together students of different beliefs and backgrounds to discuss their concerns on the topic in a safe environment. We not only want to educate others on this issue, but also to have them relate it to their own struggles.

SJP`s activities include educational events, film screenings, seminars, discussions forums, and demonstrations meant to promote awareness of the plight of the Palestinian people and encourage activism in solidarity with their struggle. More broadly, SJP will work to link various pro-Palestine movements seeking political, social, economic, or environmental justice in the Middle East and across the world. To this end, SJP may elect to endorse the programs or activities of other organizations whose principles and objectives are consistent with its own.

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