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8 tips for a good start in kindergarten

Starting kindergarten is a big and important change in your and your child's life. How can you make this transition as comfortable as possible for both you and your child

Dropping your child of at kindergarten for the first time is no joke. To help you and your child through this transition, we have made a list of things you can do to ensure a good start to kindergarten for your child.

1. Familiarize yourself with the information received from the kindergarten.

2. Visit the kindergarten before starting! Join a get to know each other group if the kindergarten arranges this. Here you can get to know the staff, the kindergarten and parents in the same situation. Ask questions - and no questions are stupid!

3. Talk to the kindergarten's contact person. During the transition period, the kindergarten has its own contact person for each child. The contact person has the task of familiarizing you and making you feel safe with the kindergarten and gradually takes over the responsibility for food, care, etc. Tell us if you think it goes too fast or if you need more support along the way! Ensure an open dialogue with the kindergarten - you know your child best.

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  1. If you are invited to a parent meeting before the start, show up!
  2. Increase time in kindergarten gradually. The first days of the start-up period are experienced differently from family to family. Some children are ready from day one, while others need more time. During this period, it is preferable that the child can have shorter days, the first day preferably of around 2 hours and then increase gradually over time.
  3. If you find the transition to kindergarten challenging, work with your own emotions. Put into words what you are worried about to the staff and be positive towards the child. Children tend to feel safe quicker if their parents are positive about the change.
  4. Be prepared for your child to cry when you leave. Know that the kindergarten has a low threshold for calling you if we feel the child does not feel safe enough for you to leave. We are also happy to call to tell you if everything is going well. If you are anxious, call the kindergarten!
  5. Kindergarten is a community. We in the kindergarten go as far as we can to meet your wishes and needs, but at the same time it is important that we all focus on kindergarten as a community where relationships with other small and large people are of great importance.

Updated 24.08.2023

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